Reclaiming Your Power

Reclaiming Your Power

Life only has a way of sneaking up on you, leaving you feeling overwhelmed if you let it. It is decision time. Either you choose to be controlled by your life OR you choose to control your life. I say, take back that control.

Let’s take inventory. Evaluate your responsibilities. Each person has many areas of life that they are responsible for. What are the things you must do each day to meet your obligations? I will help you create a plan. Have a plan. How often do you chart out the steps you must take each day? Each hour? Let’s create a plan and let it be your guide to keep you on course.

Take it on a gradient. Work in increments. The best advice I’ve ever received was “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time”. Working with the small pieces first to create the bigger picture makes the transition to that goal easier to manage.

Take care of yourself. Take breaks. Yes, sometimes participating in life can be tiring, and wear you down. Realize that you will become a more efficient as you begin to incorporate “self care” into your daily routine. Your body was designed to take care of you but in turn you must take care of it.

Your words have power. Watch your words,Take control of your mind. Often we overwhelm ourselves with the silent words that flow through our mind every moment of the day. When you speak about being overwhelmed your thoughts and then your behaviors will follow. Guard your thoughts for out of them flow your actions and your life. Create thoughts that banish the feeling of being overwhelmed.

  • Watch your thoughts; they become your words
  • Watch your words; they become your actions
  • Watch your actions; they become your habits
  • Watch your habits; they become your character
  • Watch your character; it becomes your destiny

-Pirke Avot

If you would like help in creating a “Life Plan” and would like a coaching session please contact me.

Ayana Rose LMFT